Marketing Glossary
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Page View

What is page view?

Page view is a metric used to measure the number of times a page on a website has been viewed. It is a common metric used to measure website traffic and engagement.

Why is page view important?

Page view is important because it is a measure of how many times a page on a website has been viewed. It is a key metric for understanding how popular a website is and how effective its content is at engaging visitors. It can also be used to measure the success of marketing campaigns and to identify areas of improvement. Page view data can be used to inform decisions about website design, content, and marketing strategies.

How can I use page view?

Page View is a feature of Google Analytics that allows you to track the number of page views your website receives. You can use Page View to measure the success of your website, track user engagement, and identify areas of improvement. To use Page View, you will need to set up a Google Analytics account and add the tracking code to your website. Once the tracking code is in place, you can view the page view data in the Google Analytics dashboard.

Brief history of page view

Page View is a web analytics tool developed by Google in 2005. It was designed to help website owners and marketers track and analyze the performance of their websites. It was initially released as part of the Google Analytics suite, but has since become a standalone product. Page View allows users to track page views, unique visitors, time on page, bounce rate, and other metrics. It also provides insights into user behavior, such as which pages are most popular and which pages are least visited.

Related Terms

SERP (Search Engine Results Page)

On-Page Optimization

Off-Page Optimization

Landing Page