Marketing Glossary
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Permission Marketing

What is permission marketing?

Permission marketing is a type of marketing that focuses on obtaining the consent of customers before sending them promotional messages. It is based on the idea that customers are more likely to respond positively to marketing messages if they have given their permission to receive them. Permission marketing can be used in a variety of ways, including email, text messages, and social media.

Why is permission marketing important?

Permission marketing is important because it allows businesses to build relationships with their customers and prospects by providing them with relevant, personalized content that they have opted in to receive. This type of marketing helps to build trust and loyalty with customers, as well as increase engagement and conversions. It also helps to ensure that businesses are only sending messages to those who are interested in their products or services, which helps to reduce the amount of spam and unwanted emails.

How can I use permission marketing?

Permission marketing is a marketing strategy in which potential customers are offered incentives to grant a company permission to send them promotional messages. Here are the steps to implement permission marketing:

  1. Offer value: Provide a valuable product, service, or information that potential customers would find attractive, such as an e-book, white paper, or discount coupon.
  2. Gather information: Collect information from potential customers, such as their name and email address, in exchange for the valuable offer.
  3. Respect privacy: Make sure to clearly communicate how customer information will be used and always respect their privacy by not sharing or selling their information.
  4. Build a relationship: Use the promotional messages to engage with customers and build a relationship with them. Provide relevant and useful information that helps to establish trust and credibility.
  5. Request permission: Ask for permission to continue sending promotional messages, and make sure to clearly communicate the value that the customer will receive.
  6. Measure success: Track the success of your permission marketing campaign and make changes as necessary to improve results.

Permission marketing is an effective strategy because it allows companies to reach potential customers who are already interested in their products or services. By offering value and building a relationship, companies can establish trust with potential customers, making them more likely to make a purchase. Additionally, because permission marketing relies on explicit consent, it can help to avoid the negative consequences of intrusive or unwanted marketing messages.

Brief history of permission marketing

Permission marketing was first introduced by Seth Godin in his 1999 book of the same name. The concept is based on the idea that customers should be given the opportunity to opt-in to receive marketing messages from a company, rather than having them forced upon them. This allows companies to build relationships with customers and create a more personalized experience. Since its introduction, permission marketing has become an important part of digital marketing strategies, with companies using it to build trust and loyalty with their customers.

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